速報APP / 健康塑身 / Food Additives 2

Food Additives 2



檔案大小:21.7 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 11.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Food Additives 2(圖1)-速報App

► Avoid those additives that are potentially dangerous or unsafe to your health & see which ones are considered safe. This application is perfect for those at risk, the health conscious, parents, vegetarians, vegans and/or people on religious based diets.

► 4 Stars from MacLife

► Previous app store Staff Favorite (USA)

► iPhone, iPod touch & iPad UNIVERSAL app support

Take control of what you eat today.

Food additives may have revolutionized the mass production of the food that we consume, but at what cost to your health?

Fully searchable, this application lets you quickly & easily access the general information of 450+ food additives (self contained database, so no internet connection needed!).

Not all food additives are bad for your health, but a large percentage have been associated with a whole range of potential health risks & side effects, that include:

■ Allergies & skin reactions

■ Asthma & breathing difficulties

■ Baby & infant related risks

Food Additives 2(圖2)-速報App

■ Digestive upsets

■ Eye damage & effects

■ Genetic DNA mutations

■ Gluten intolerance (Celiac disease)

■ Histamine inhibitors / freeing

■ Hyperactivity in children

■ Migraines & headaches

■ Tumors / carcinogens

■ Salicylate sensitivity (aspirin etc)

■ Vitamin deficiency and/or effects


■ Name

Food Additives 2(圖3)-速報App

■ Number (International Numbering System)

■ Risk type (i.e. dangerous, unsafe, unknown or safe)

■ Symptom type (i.e. asthma, gluten, tumors, allergies, digestive etc)

■ Diet type (i.e. substance derived from animal, plant, insect, bacteria or fermentation, synthetic, mineral etc)

■ Fully instant search support


■ Additive number (e.g. E150b), additive name & other name they may go by

■ Substance origin (plant, synthetic, animal, mineral, fish, insect, bacteria, gas etc)

■ General use & function of the additive

■ Food industry classes & (coloring agent, preservative, emulsifier etc.)

■ Food products associated with the additive

■ Known & potential side effects relating to the additive

Food Additives 2(圖4)-速報App

■ Maximum or adequate daily intake (ADI) of the additive

■ Dietary restrictions (helpful for vegetarian, vegan & religion based diets)

■ Countries unapproved for use as a food additive (currently Europe & Australian data)


■ Full instant search functionality

■ Wikipedia integration for even more detail. Each additive conveniently embeds Wikipedia within the app (internet required for this functionality)

■ Color coded by risk (red=danger, orange=unsafe, unknown=blue, safe=green)

■ Icons for all symptom types (i.e. asthma, gluten, tumors, allergies, digestive etc)

■ Icons for all substance origin types (i.e. synthetic, mineral, fish animal based etc)

■ Flag icons for countries unapproved (Europe & Australia)

■ Fast, inbuilt database, so no internet required

■ Fancy layout, scrolling and 3D flip card between additive overview & details page

Food Additives 2(圖5)-速報App

* PARTIAL multilingual language^ support inbuilt (labels, heading names etc. only. You can switch between English (native), French, German, Spanish, Italian (native), Dutch (native) & Japanese. Note: Languages that aren't native are software translated from native English

NOTE: Data is consolidated from a number of public / open sources, including; CAC (Codex), FDA, Government food Standards agencies etc and is for general private use only

Food Additives 2(圖6)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad